Souths Cares are pleased to announce a new addition to the Souths Cares family, the Souths Cares 12 seater Community Bus.
Decked out with a slick design, the community Bus will help enhance the work done by Souths Cares.
The purchase of the vehicle was supported by MP for Newtown Jenny Leong through the Community Building Partnership Grants.
Ms Leong, who visited Redfern to see the finished product, was delighted to see the final outcome and hoped that the new vehicle acquired will be able to help Souths Cares further achieve their goals.
“The Community Building Partnerships Grants are designed to support the infrastructure needs and the core needs of amazing services and organisations in our community,” said Ms Leong.
While the bus will now allow South Cares to further increase their work within the community, Ms Leong believes that the bus will also spread a sense a pride, especially within the local Aboriginal community.
“One thing is that it gives a clear recognition to the important connection to Aboriginal culture in the area, from the visuals and the artwork on the bus,” Ms Leong explained.
While many other community organisations applied for funding under the Community Building Partnership Grants, Ms Leong acknowledged the unique role that Souths Cares plays in the local community was a key factor for choosing to fund their project.
Ms Leong was a big fan of the design on the bus, explaining ‘The design looks amazing and if I was to choose any two colours it would be Red and Green. We should be proud of this Bus and we should also be proud of the community outreach work which Souths Cares does”.