I recently received a Community Recognition Statement from local member for Drummoyne, Stephanie Di Pasqua MP in recognition of my murals for the WestConnex Transurban Motorway Control Centre at St. Peters. Always great to see your work appreciated. Thank you, Stephanie Di Pasqua MP for the very nice surprise.
It reads:
Documented in the NSW Parliament Legislative Assembly Hansard on 22 June 2023
I rise to recognise Kamilaroi artist Rhonda Sampson for her artwork titled ‘Connected Journeys’.
Commissioned by Transurban to create the murals for the WestConnex Motorway Control Centre at St. Peters, ‘Connected Journeys’ is a visual representation of our journeys on the WestConnex, keeping connected to country, ocean and each other.
The artwork is installed on two walls within the Control Room, and since being installed has sparked a lot of conversation and encouraged visitors to learn about Indigenous Australians and their history, as well as the clans that make up the Eora Nation.
Rhonda is very passionate about sharing her art and her vision is to empower others to embrace their creative talents and share that gift with the world. To dream beyond your ability and create your vision, to inspire future generations.
I wish to congratulate Rhonda on her amazing artwork and on her inspirational journey.